
 Maria Fernanda: I am now very interested on how pendulums are used for aspects of ljfe, for example health. I also found interesting how a pendulum can give you an answer about your life. In the future I would like to try a pendulum.

Laura: In my opinion it is very interesting that the pendulum is use as something spiritual and it makes a connection with his owner, specially the part of the connection. I wonder how the pendulum does it and what materials allow it ? After reading the article i may try the pendulum thing, because I'm  often messing and forgetting things, it would also be cool knowing more about my subconscious.

Andie:  Great article, this includes a lot of interesting information summarized in an effective way. Pendulums are an object people don't really mind or pay attention to, but reading this you realize that their purpose is greater than the one most people anticipate! Loved it :)

Valērija Jonikāne : Very interesting! I found a lot of useful information about pendulums. I want to buy a pendulum now!! Thanks for the information.

Valeria Alfaro: I find the information very useful, i learn that there are different types and what their meanigs are. When I heard the word pendulum i always thought about clocks, but thanks to this page i realized that there is a whole other meaning, a more spiritual one i didnt know about before. It taught me that there is more to a pendulum that what i thought. Its meaning is goes way beyond what i knew.

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